PCR Purification Kit
ABC's Magnetic PCR Purification Kit is specifically designed for rapid and efficient extraction of high purity genomic DNA from PCR product. It is a magnetic beads-based system ideal for automation and has the advantage of being easily scaled up or down to adjust with the sample volume.
Feature and Benefits
- Quick and easy high-throughput procedures.
- No need for columns or filters
- Samples can be handled manually or in an automated system
- Produces High purity DNA ready for downstream DNA applications
- Low cost
Magnetic beads specifications
Beads size: ~ 1µm
Beads concentration: 5% (w/v)
Stability: pH 4-10
Binding capacity: 2-5 µg DNA / mg (each isolation)
Kit components (50 isolations)
Magnetic beads 1 ml
Lysis/Binding buffer 50 ml
Wash Buffer 150 mL
Elution Buffer 5 mL